Monday 30 November 2015

Look beyond infographics for engaging webinar services

Here are a few things that you can do that do not involve infographics to keep the audience engagement ratio running high throughout the presentation. 

Worksheet wonder 

Remember in kindergarten, how your teacher used to hand out worksheets and you would enthusiastically complete them. Most attendees of webinar services always want the presentation before they attend the event. Not giving them the presentation comes across as rude and may cause them to not attend the actual event. While giving the presentation may result in the same thing. Therefore worksheets are your answers. They will require a little effort but will only result in better audience engagement. Build a questionnaire with fill in the blanks, match the responses, multiple choice questions, etc. which discuss and lead to the actual points in your presentation without divulging them completely.  

Personal preferences 

Be a stalker. Social media platforms are a big give away when it comes to learning the personalities of people. Get to know the people attending your conference via the help of their social media profiles. Collect information that you can get them to talk about during the webinar services. Talking about your attendees will only make them eager to participate and wonder what you will discuss next. Remember everybody loves to talk, so be a good listener to make things go your way. 

Games and give away

A free pen may not cost much but people will still appreciate you for it as it’s free. People world over despite their age, sex, nationality love free things. So try and keep a budget for a few goodies that you can give away. But make sure your audience earns it. So organize a few simple activities including a few that they can do in a group that leads to the points in your presentation. Simple things like enacting a situation will also do at these free webinar events. 

Questions and quips 

Webinar services are all about audience interaction and participation. As a host it is your duty to encourage questions and even remarks or any feedback that the attendees may have. A question that may spark off an argument is not the worst thing as that will only get people to talk and express their views. Be mindful of not offending someone and keeping the conversation from steering off in a parallel direction though. 

Re-iterate and re-iterate again  

Webinar attendees attend the event because of the quality content that you promise them. Make sure they walk away with exactly that. That is the key to engaging your audience hence make sure your content is everything it promised to be. Keep re-iterating the essential points so that there is no scope of the audience missing out.

To know more click here : Webinar services

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