Monday 30 November 2015

Look beyond infographics for engaging webinar services

Here are a few things that you can do that do not involve infographics to keep the audience engagement ratio running high throughout the presentation. 

Worksheet wonder 

Remember in kindergarten, how your teacher used to hand out worksheets and you would enthusiastically complete them. Most attendees of webinar services always want the presentation before they attend the event. Not giving them the presentation comes across as rude and may cause them to not attend the actual event. While giving the presentation may result in the same thing. Therefore worksheets are your answers. They will require a little effort but will only result in better audience engagement. Build a questionnaire with fill in the blanks, match the responses, multiple choice questions, etc. which discuss and lead to the actual points in your presentation without divulging them completely.  

Personal preferences 

Be a stalker. Social media platforms are a big give away when it comes to learning the personalities of people. Get to know the people attending your conference via the help of their social media profiles. Collect information that you can get them to talk about during the webinar services. Talking about your attendees will only make them eager to participate and wonder what you will discuss next. Remember everybody loves to talk, so be a good listener to make things go your way. 

Games and give away

A free pen may not cost much but people will still appreciate you for it as it’s free. People world over despite their age, sex, nationality love free things. So try and keep a budget for a few goodies that you can give away. But make sure your audience earns it. So organize a few simple activities including a few that they can do in a group that leads to the points in your presentation. Simple things like enacting a situation will also do at these free webinar events. 

Questions and quips 

Webinar services are all about audience interaction and participation. As a host it is your duty to encourage questions and even remarks or any feedback that the attendees may have. A question that may spark off an argument is not the worst thing as that will only get people to talk and express their views. Be mindful of not offending someone and keeping the conversation from steering off in a parallel direction though. 

Re-iterate and re-iterate again  

Webinar attendees attend the event because of the quality content that you promise them. Make sure they walk away with exactly that. That is the key to engaging your audience hence make sure your content is everything it promised to be. Keep re-iterating the essential points so that there is no scope of the audience missing out.

To know more click here : Webinar services

Thursday 26 November 2015

Attract an audience with a catchy title for your free webinar

Sometimes you may have a great topic to discuss, ideas to share and the best of software but you webinar may still fall flat. It’s difficult to predict one particular reason for it, as there can be many reasons behind a failed webinar. Over the past few years professionals who regularly attended and conducted webinars have reported that those with catchy titles not only saw a vast number of attendees but also were also more likely to be successful.  And why not, don’t we read e-mails with catchy titles? Don’t we pick up books that have a catchy title at the book store?

Here are few ways on how to make catchy and powerful titles for your webinars

1. Start with an action verb

The best way to attract attention through the title is to use a call to action. In order to trigger the desire of the reader make sure the title begins with an action verb. For example- a title like “Tricks to host a successful webinar” will generate more attention.

2. Start with “how to”

This is the most widely used format for searching on the internet and also the best to get desired results. Start the title of your free webinar with “how to” since the basic aim of most webinars is to teach people something. 

3. Include searchable keywords

In the internet world one thing that works are keywords. In your title make use of keywords that are more likely to be searched by people. Using the right keyword can attract the attention of major search engines, thereby making more people notice your event.

4. Keep it short

Nobody likes to read long and complex sentences. The trick is to deliver most information using minimum words. Be clear about your topic and let it reflect in the title of your webinars. A really long title is difficult to remember and can easily make people lose interest.

5. Use odd numbers

Start your title with an odd number. Something like, “ 7 tricks to host a successful webinar” if you are planning to present only 7 tricks. Odd numbers are more appealing than even numbers and it is also necessary to keep these digits below 10. There’s no specific explanation as to why odd numbers work but you can increase the size of your audience by using numbers like 3, 5 and 7 in the title of your webinars.

To know more about “webinars” click here : Free webinar software

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Free webinars and other social media platforms in your editorial calendar

Digital marketing has many advantages for medical practitioners. Apart from helping you establish patient connections and potential patient connections, it also helps to engage your target audience more effectively. This results in building a stronger brand connect and helps you promote the service aspect of the business instead of the selling. It also helps you to speak to other professionals of the same practice and get their inputs and share knowledge. 

So here is how the editorial calendar of a medical practitioner, looking to maximise his business and services with the help of digital marketing, should look like. 

A tweet a day 

Twitter is a social media platform that is loved for its timeliness and brevity. People who use this platform love sharing content that talks about a repeated topic in a unique way. To maximise reach via the help of this platform you need to be regular. So make sure you tweet once a day about a topic that is the highlight of the day using your own perspective. 

Blog once a week 

Most webinar software allow you to handle and access all your social media platforms from one account. Cross promotion of all platforms becomes much easier because of this. Your blogs are another avenue that are an effective tool for digital marketing. Blogs help you advocate your opinions that are validated via your credentials as a professional medical personnel. To make use this medium to your advantage you should actively blog at least once a week. 

Webinars or in person meets every month  

The medical industry is more about providing a service that facilitates healthcare more than it is about selling a product as such. There is always a need of a personal touch that is needed in patient care. All medical practitioners are still fuelled by their compassion for other humans. In-person meets and webinars are the best way to bring this forward. It helps you exchange information about your expertise and create awareness. 

Quarterly whitepapers or research report 

The medical industry is all about new findings, innovations and betterment in patient care. Every three to four months you should pen down a whitepaper or research report. The research report may not be conclusive and the findings may be ongoing. People should be updated about the progress that you have made every quarter. This helps people learn about your professional reputation and adds to your credibility.

To know more click here : Free webinars